Wednesday, July 26, 2006

3 days in the valley

ok well not in the valley, but on the lakefront at the very least. I have done three shifts at the ink refilling spot. So far so good. That also means three days of bike riding, which is also so far so good, although I am certainly feeling it today. The job is such that I should be able to study on slow nights, which it appears many will be. The owner is a very nice man, and the manager seems like a good guy. The work itself is repetitive but has the added bonus of showing immediate results, which is always good =)
Sleep has once again become a foreign concept though. I am just not able to get there, and when I am there, I am not able to stay there. too much running aounrd in my head I guess. I will be glad when the semester begins so that I can focus all of this mental energy into my studies. Physically I am doing ok, mentally, a little... suspect but this too shall pass =)
I spoke to my good friend Vicki last night, she is off to her MA at Simon Frazier University. She already has waaaaay more information from her university than I do. I hope that is not a sign of things to come.
Today is my day off this week. I am going to celebrate it by doing laundry!

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