Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another day older and deeper in debt

I can't get ahead. I just can't seem to get ahead. The cost of living seems ot keep getting higher and higher, and my paychecks don't seem to be getting any bigger. On top of classes I am now working six days a week, and it sucks. Granted the hours still only total to about 30 but I can;t do much more with classes and homework besides. I don't think I have made a lot of stupid financial decisions lately but it surely seems like I have somewhere along the way. I am in the negative numbers in my bank account and I have to come up with $175.00 extra by the end of the month or I can't graduate in May like I am supposed to. I am two months behind on all bills except light and power... and somewhere in all of this I have to move at the end of april, which will mean a need of a downpayment...

Its funny you know, all I really need is five hundred bucks and it will set the ship right, at least for a little while... I am running out of things to sell, though, and burning the candle at both ends in order to try andf get sorted. Five hundred bucks surely seems like a small amount of money... but when you don't have any, it becomes this an overwhelming amount. I could surely use a scholarship coming through round about now =) but I can't exactly place my eggs in that basket.

I have been invited to present one of my papers at the Candian Society for the Study of Religion conference at York at the end of May, but I can't see a way to afford that either. Fiorst of all there is a 50 buck membership fee in the society, and then there is travel expenses and accomadations etc. this again is an area where the money would have to come from nowhere, and there are travel grants supposedly available through the CSSR, but I can't seem to find any information on them.

I am tired of the money game, it is making me crazy. I don't exactly live a lavish lifestyle, thoguh I am not living a terrible one either... hopefully the new apartment will be a touch cheaper, and hopefully I will get a scholarship or a grant or some such to even out the bills... perhaps is time to seriuously assess my possessions and see what I can sell off, once again, though I am indeed tired of having to rebuild every time... perhaps I need to roll the pennies and buy a lottery ticket =)

1 comment:

Bret Taylor said...

'Bout time you updated this, ain't it?