Monday, May 22, 2006

Phew! Glad that wig out is over...

Well glad I got that out of my system yesterday =) amazing what a 10 hour shift with nothing to do can do to your mind... today is a 13 hour one but I have books this time! they shan;t fool me again, no sir! =)

The next two weeks are going to be crazy. Tuesday I collect my gown for convocation and have grad photos done. Wednesday I convocate, then lunch with the folks and then a celebratory evening for family at the place the folks are staying. Thursday I work 4 - 10, Friday I work 5 - 10. I am assuming some sort of family affair on Saturday as the clan will be around. Sunday is my nephew's Christening, and then festivities to follow. Monday is the last night hanging with the guys, Tuesday is load the truck and then the Rels Studies Society is having a fairwell dinner thingy for me. Wednesday is drive to Little Bay Islands day, thursday is drive to Port Aux Basques and catch the night ferry, Friday is drive to Edmunston for a stay at the luxurious Comfort Inn. Saturday is drive to Kingston day and unload what we need for that night. Sunday is unloading the rest, buying groceries etc. and Monday is returning the truck. Then a slow and painful unpacking process and getting to know a new city, followed shortly by trying to find a part time job, with any luck at a Chapters or some such =)

and then a summer free of academia... lots of reading for fun, lots of video gaming, lots of walking in the summer sun =) at least I hope so at any rate =)

1 comment:

candansk said...

Aww, my brilliant career advice covered in the daily blog... I feel special :)