Thursday, May 25, 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

Phew! Glad that wig out is over...

Well glad I got that out of my system yesterday =) amazing what a 10 hour shift with nothing to do can do to your mind... today is a 13 hour one but I have books this time! they shan;t fool me again, no sir! =)

The next two weeks are going to be crazy. Tuesday I collect my gown for convocation and have grad photos done. Wednesday I convocate, then lunch with the folks and then a celebratory evening for family at the place the folks are staying. Thursday I work 4 - 10, Friday I work 5 - 10. I am assuming some sort of family affair on Saturday as the clan will be around. Sunday is my nephew's Christening, and then festivities to follow. Monday is the last night hanging with the guys, Tuesday is load the truck and then the Rels Studies Society is having a fairwell dinner thingy for me. Wednesday is drive to Little Bay Islands day, thursday is drive to Port Aux Basques and catch the night ferry, Friday is drive to Edmunston for a stay at the luxurious Comfort Inn. Saturday is drive to Kingston day and unload what we need for that night. Sunday is unloading the rest, buying groceries etc. and Monday is returning the truck. Then a slow and painful unpacking process and getting to know a new city, followed shortly by trying to find a part time job, with any luck at a Chapters or some such =)

and then a summer free of academia... lots of reading for fun, lots of video gaming, lots of walking in the summer sun =) at least I hope so at any rate =)

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Sometimes I wonder just what the fuck I am thinking....

We're going down, down, in an earlier round
and Sugar we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
a loaded God complex, cock it and pull it

nothing good ever comes of me leaving the province, except coming home again...
again... wtf am I thinking?

cold feet I guess...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

fun with Bush!

Head here to manipulate bush! fun fun!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

having a moment, move along, nothing to see here, just a hedge

i hurt myself today
to see if i still feel
i focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but i remember everything
what have i become?
my sweetest friend
everyone i know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
i will let you down
i will make you hurt
i wear my crown of shit
on my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
i cannot repair
beneath the stain of time
the feeling disappears
you are someone else
i am still right here
what have i become?
my sweetest friend
everyone i know
goes away in the end
you could have it all
my empire of dirt
i will let you down
i will make you hurt
if i could start again
a million miles away
i would keep myself
i would find a way

Friday, May 05, 2006

Stephen Harper Eats Babies

A couple of days ago in the Globe and Mail, this story ran. Horray for hackers! Sadly the commentary afterwards left a lot to be desired, the pro-harper camp proving just how much of a sense of humour our new conservatives possess. The sad truth of it is however, that Harper, through his new system of freeing up taxes on the welltodo and increasing taxation on the lowest income earners in the country means he really is eating babies metaphorically. The poor can't afford to feed themselves while the upper classes continue to live a life of excess. How can it be seen to be reasonable to increase a tax on lower income groups and decrease it for higher income groups? It makes no sense to me. Everyone is applauding the reduction of the GST, by a whole 1% but wouldn't it be better to take it off things like electricity and telephone service as these really are essentials in this day in age? You can't really survive todaywithout electricity and you can;t get a job without having a phone, hell you can't even get EI or Social Service without having a contact phone number and yet there is a 7% tax on both services. Sorry, now a 6% tax on those services.
Yes a large purchase will show that one percent, but how about everyday small purchases... not every sector of society can afford to buy a $600,000.00 house, or a $60,000.00 car or even a $30,000.00 car.
Another point... why is the personal tax deduction limit not equal to the poverty line? If anyone who is making under $16,000 a year is living in poverty by national standards, why is the personal deduction limit $7700? The Harper government is busy pretending to care about the people of Canada but all they really care about is the upper eschalons. Those who need the system the most are left behind in the wake of Conservative big business agendas. And people seem to be buying into it becase they will save one cent on the dollar. Enjoy the babies Mr. Harper, I hope you choke on their bones

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Day Three and counting... only 29 more to go

So it is Day 3 at the inlaws... and it isn't bad... just restrictive. And I don't mean solely in a "can't get nekkid" kind of way. Thye have another houseguest currently, whose wife is in hopsital, and he has the guest room while Jill and I are crammed into the office. This means that when her step-dad needs the computer, or needs just to check email, we have to scram out of there, so I am kind of in a state of limbo, nowhere to retreat to, and that always makes me just a touch uncomfortable.
The move went as well as can be expected, the storage locker is chokoblock full and we had to give up our beautiful couch as there just wasn't any room for it. We gave it to Value Village, beautiful black leather sofa with nothing wrong with it except that it is huge and we have no room, either in the truck or in the one room apartment we will be moving into in June. It broke my heart a little. it is the nicest piece of furniture I have ever owned, or co-owned and to have to just give it away was a bit of a test... but it is afterall, just stuff... and stuff comes and goes. It does not define me or make me who I am, it is just an acoutrement.
Money has become a little more scary. One of my sources for funding this excursion to Ontario has been faced with some unforseen difficulties and will no longer be in existence. That leaves us at least $1000.00 short, which will make this summer very interesting indeed. Although I think Jill has her finger on the pulse of another source, so with any luck we will be ok.
I have already hit boredom stages. I don't have enough time to get into anything really and have no space to occupy to do so anyway, until we eventually move into the guest room, if we eventuall move into the guest room. Thankfully some wonderful neighbour out here has an unecured Wireless Internet connection, so I am able to get internet anywhere in the house! So me and my laptop have been cruising around various seating locations, trying to find the most comfortable.... kitchen table it is right now...
I want to make the move now... this waiting around is for the birds... but not too much longer... patience and perseverance will be the key. The family will all be in town soon and that is something to look forward to and it is really only a matter of weeks, so no doubt ti will pass quickly... next week once I am back at distance education, ontop of the jb at Timemasters, I will at least have my weeknights occupied... and that is good... now if I can just find a way to sleep throughthe morning comings and goings all will be well. =)
Be safe and well friends =)